Hi there, if you look closely to your sql code you will see that you are overwriting the avatar_id that is an auto_increment field, every time you run a new file in the format above you will overwrite the information in the table at worst or be given a reffirrential integrity error at best.
# Table structure for table `avatar`
avatar_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
avatar_file varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
avatar_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
avatar_mimetype varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
avatar_created int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
avatar_display tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
avatar_weight smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
avatar_type char(1) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (avatar_id),
KEY avatar_type (avatar_type,avatar_display)
Always try to use sql that specifies the collumn to insert to like:
INSERT INTO `xoops_avatar` (`avatar_file`, `avatar_name`, `avatar_mimetype`, `avatar_display`, `avatar_type`) VALUES ('Animaniacs001.gif', 'Animaniacs001.gif', 'image/gif', 1, 'S');
INSERT INTO `xoops_avatar` (`avatar_file`, `avatar_name`, `avatar_mimetype`, `avatar_display`, `avatar_type`) VALUES ('Animaniacs002.gif', 'Animaniacs002.gif', 'image/gif', 1, 'S');
INSERT INTO `xoops_avatar` (`avatar_file`, `avatar_name`, `avatar_mimetype`, `avatar_display`, `avatar_type`) VALUES ('Animaniacs003.gif', 'Animaniacs003.gif', 'image/gif', 1, 'S');
INSERT INTO `xoops_avatar` (`avatar_file`, `avatar_name`, `avatar_mimetype`, `avatar_display`, `avatar_type`) VALUES ('Animaniacs004.gif', 'Animaniacs004.gif', 'image/gif', 1, 'S');