Modify fields in Contact and Register forms
  • 2004/4/6 12:52

  • Warr1or

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2004/4/2 1

Hi, I am new to Xoops. Would appreciate any help with these 2 questions. :)

How do I change the Fields in the Contact Us form? Also, it seems that there is no option to change WHO the contact form is mailed to...

How do I change the Fields in the Register form? Same, no option to change WHO the notification is mailed to in the case of multiple "webmaster".

Thanks for any help!

Re: Modify fields in Contact and Register forms
  • 2004/4/6 15:46

  • abdala

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  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2003/2/5 1

I can answer the first question, but not sure about the second.

Basically all changes are made in the contactform.php file under the contact module. Is, say, u want to remove the location files, then delete lines: 33 and 42 which are:

$location_text = new XoopsFormText(_CT_LOCATION, "usersCompanyLocation", 50, 100, $location_v);



The best way to learn these things is to install a local copy of XOOPS on your machine and play with these files. To install a local copy, look for something called XAMPP on the forums.

Now, to add a field, just duplicate one of the existing fields in the same files making sure you change the variable names.

I hope this helps.


Re: Modify fields in Contact and Register forms
  • 2004/4/6 15:51

  • cuckston

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  • Since: 2004/1/19

I would advise that if you are not much of a PHP guy then you download a module called liase. Do a search for it. It's much simpler.

As for the register module, there is no real easy way to do this however in the next version of XOOPS there is hopefully going to be an option to change this.

Good Luck

Re: Modify fields in Contact and Register forms
  • 2004/4/7 3:24

  • Warr1or

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2004/4/2 1

Thanks for the response. I tried Liase, but all it does is add the company address on the top of the Contact Us Form. That is not what i need. You see, the current Contact Us has things like ICQ, Web Site etc... these are not too relevant. I would prefer to capture Telephone Number, since my site is a Parent Support Group for a school.

Ditto for the Registeration Form.

I will try out the suggestion by abdala and see if i can do it. I am not a php or basic programmer, but i dun mind mucking around wif the scripts.


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