sorry, I am not an artist
, but take a look at the idea:
http://soften.ktu.lt/~jurgpral/etc/xoops_block_admin.gifnow there is inconveniece: in order to see a block we apply
2 filters: block visibility on [module/page] and showing it to some [group]. And
U have to keep jumping system->groups vs system->blocks (some
people get confused (earlier, me also
My proposal - centralize those two deals, and XOOPS will be one more step forward in simplicity of administration
My idea means the change of interface not the change of core. just some of sql-stuff from admin:groups would go to admin:blocks.If tables are too big to fit in window, I think some js will help to deal with it (some hide/show of table parts or sth).
=== other stuff (not so important ;)
Well there's also group access to the module, but this is not directly the block issue. System->Groups could be left as it is for backward compatibility, though again I would like to be able to set rights of all groups just on
one panel (in simple table manner), without jumping.