I use the Site Close option to give acces to my registered user only but I want to give the possiblility to user the Lost Password Option!
I have try to add this code in the themplate systeme_cloded.html
<fieldset style="padding: 10px;"> <legend style="font-weight: bold;"><{$lang_lostpassword}>legend> <div><br /><{$lang_noproblem}>div> <form action="lostpass.php" method="post"> <{$lang_youremail}> <input type="text" name="email"size="26" maxlength="60" /> <input type="hidden"name="op" value="mailpasswd" /><input type="submit"value="<{$lang_sendpassword}>" /> form>fieldset>
That is not work!! What can I do?