A 'wiki' is a documentation system where the documentation can be edited online (via a web browser); usually *everyone* can edit the documents. The XOOPS wiki is
http://wiki.xoops.org . Here you will find much of the existing XOOPS documentation.
Is ‘ant the 'Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?' supposed to flush the template_c directory when you select Yes in the Site Preferences? Also I have 'No Cache' set for all modules. I assume the 'No Cache' setting would cause it not to save a cache file.
The option doesn't 'flush' the cache directory, but means any changes to files in the themes/templates directories will take effect immediately rather than waiting for e.g. the admin to update the module.
The module caching options are not related to this option. Module caching means the whole entire page is cached, with the template already filled in. Normally the templates_c directory caches *only the templates*. This is an optimization where the 'smarty' template is converted to a PHP file. When the page is viewed, the template still has to fill in data from the database etc to show the page. With module caching, the whole page is cached already filled in so no additional database queries are needed. The upside is faster page loads and less database traffic... the downside is that the information gets out of date.