  • 2003/9/29 21:27

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

-Ability to make only specific groups have the ability to submit information to modules (news, cal events, classifieds, ect) as well as have the option to upload avatars. This way only certain groups of people will be able to submit an avatar, making you have the abilty to given them an incentive. Example: premium membership to your site would get them in a group that gets to do this stuff. Anyone not premium would have to use what ever avatars you have on the site and would not be able to submit info to the modules.

-A tool to allow you to add and delete specific profile questions. This would help sites who want people to be able to post more info in their profile (such as my site).

-Ability to make the news section appear not only all at once in a block but by category if you want. This way you could have a block that would ony display Site News, or Artist News like mine has.

-Some kind of compression thing to make the images change size afterwards. I don't know if this is possible or not with xoops. There is a board that I go to that allows you to upload avatar images and no matter how big they are, the site changes the size of the image and shrinks it down to the specs that Mike has it set at.

-The ability to re-order the forums and not just the categories. I use phpbb because it has so many more features than the XOOPS forum. Now, I know a lot of people don't need all these extra features but it would be nice to have them included as well.

-Jump buttons on the forums. Jump buttons, in case you don't know what I am talking about, are buttons that are set up by the user so they can go directly to their favorite forum. xMike uses this and it works great. The user selects in their profile which forum they want to have a jump link to and when they do, it appears at the top of the forums page as a number. Like, #1 on mine is the Movies, TV, and Music forum, #4 is the Chill Spot, and so on. It works great on sites with large forums.

I'll probably update this as I think of more stuff.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/9/29 21:49

  • YourHelp

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 479

  • Since: 2003/6/9 6

Some Valid points there! Love the sound of the jump buttons these would be very handy in high trafficable sites. keep the ideas comming and convince the devs to put them in .. if all else fails show me how you put them in hehe.

I hope Santa come's early this year for you.

Best Regards

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/9/29 21:52

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

Thanks man. I've spent so much time on xmike over the past few months that the jump buttons have become something I almost need to have.

I don't think I'll be putting anything in though. If I tried to mod something to do that I'd somehow explode a server in Brazil.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/9/29 22:13

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

Another idea.

Adding more than one banner option. Say you wanted to put more than one banner rotation thing on your site. This may allow you to get more banner clients if you have block banners (120x60 boxes is the kind I mean). What I am getting as is pretty much just having the option to display more than one banner at a time, instead of just that one banner.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/10/6 0:08

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

My updated list

-More Group permissions. For instance, I would like to make only some groups have the ability upload an avatar. I'm starting to get used to features in Invision Board which is why I am suggesting more forum ability. Also, it would be nice to be able to keep a mod from adding categories or forum sections. Adding more forum ability is turning into a must have for me and many others I am sure. It is the main reason I wanted to use the invision board module (which doesn't want to work now because it hates me in a vicious way). More abilities would be good to have in the forum. Taglines would be nice too. The ability to put a tagline in under your rank is what I mean, and give the admin the ability to state the character limit.

-IP recording in a log file or something that the admin can view. Have it include the username and ip address in the log file. This would help when some doorknob* comes to the site and acts like a pain and causes someone to complain.

*used to G rate myself in case small children or muppets are viewing this thread

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/12/6 1:50

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

Based on. After using Invision Board for a while, I've gotten used to the ability to make a whole group based on another group. This is a time saver and seems like a good idea to have. When making a group, you base it on another group and have all of the permissions of that group copied over to your new one and you edit from there. So it would be like this:

Group A exists

Group B is being made

You click the button next to Group A to base it on group A. Group B starts out with all the abilities Group A has, and you just edit from there. This is helpful if you have eleventy seven mods installed like some of my sites have. That way you don't have to click all 2000 check boxes for things that show up on the front page and hope you didn't miss one.

Another request:

Placement hiding for Groups. This way the groups that you designate (Admins and Moderators usually) would be able to hide where they are on the site. When someone clicks a link they can see which part of the site specific people are on. This may help keep idiots from being morons on the site.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff


djsckizo wrote:
-A tool to allow you to add and delete specific profile questions. This would help sites who want people to be able to post more info in their profile (such as my site).

XOOPS 2.1.0

djsckizo wrote:
-Ability to make the news section appear not only all at once in a block but by category if you want. This way you could have a block that would ony display Site News, or Artist News like mine has.

I am aware of the demand for this feature and will incorporate this both in a supplementary block and as a different view of the news page in the next version of the News module (ETA... erhm... January'ish )

Re: Bunch-o-stuff


djsckizo wrote:
Group A exists

Group B is being made

You click the button next to Group A to base it on group A. Group B starts out with all the abilities Group A has, and you just edit from there. This is helpful if you have eleventy seven mods installed like some of my sites have. That way you don't have to click all 2000 check boxes for things that show up on the front page and hope you didn't miss one.

Not quite the same way it's implemented in XOOPS, but it's there.

If a user is both in Registered Users group and Premium Users group, he'll have the access to BOTH RU and PU areas. So the PU group does only need to have access specified to areas not included in RU.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2003/12/6 3:18

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

Hmm. I never thought of doing it like that. I wasn't sure if some features would be cancelled out or what. I shall have to try that next time.

Oh, and can't wait for the news block update.

Re: Bunch-o-stuff
  • 2004/1/4 5:04

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

Contact Us Module Update

The module is great and works fine but I'd like to be able to have an option to do two things:

1) Have the ability to give the option to send to specific groups or users. This way, you can give the users the ability to email more than just the one admin, if there are in fact more people who have big roles in parts of the site. These would be people defined by the top admin though.

2) Be able to add more fields to the form. For instance, you could add a file field to allow people to send files to you if needed. You could also do a drop down menu or something to that affect that would allow you to let them target a specific area of the site if it is site related (ie. a problem with the forum or some other part of the site that they want to report).


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