Doc modulebuilder
  • 2022/6/3 17:41

  • jjdai

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2006/6/17


dans modulebuilder Y-a-t-il une petite documentation sur les options des champs dans les tables car je ne saisi pas toute les subtilités

In modulebuilder Is there a small documentation on the options of the fields in the tables because I do not understand all the subtleties

Field: Is parent Ok
Admin: In Files ?
Admin: Visible in list Ok
Admin: Visible in form Ok
User: In Files ?
User index: in header ?
User index: in body ?
User index: in footer ?
User file: in header ?
User file: in body ?
User file: in footer ?
Block: In Files ?
Search: Index Ok
Field: Required Ok
Table: Main Field ?

Thanks for this module

Re: Doc modulebuilder
  • 2022/6/4 5:36

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11409

  • Since: 2004/4/23

See if this tutorial can help:

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Re: Doc modulebuilder
  • 2022/6/4 8:34

  • heyula

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 596

  • Since: 2008/4/24

Field: Is parent => ???
Admin: In Files => field will be added to admin files
Admin: Visible in list => field will be visible in admin list
Admin: Visible in form => field will be visible in admin form
User: In Files => field will be added to user files
User index: in header => field will be visible in header of index file
User index: in body => field will be visible in body of index file
User index: in footer => field will be visible in footer of index file
User file: in header => field will be visible in header of table file
User file: in body => field will be visible in body of table file
User file: in footer => field will be visible in footer of table file
Block: In Files => field will be visible in blocks
Search: Index => field will be used in search function
Field: Required => field will be an obligatory field
Table: Main Field => field will be the main field of this table (only one field can be main field)

You shouldn't add a field in header and/or body and/or footer in the same time
If you select "User: In Files" you should display the field minimum one time in index or table file


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