I'm still slogging through the non-trivial changes to update the various templates to use Bootstrap 5 syntax for Forms. I decided to take a break and see what I could do with redirect notifications to eliminate the need for jQuery in my themes since Bootstrap 5 no longer depends on it.
I was a bit disappointed that I could not find a way to override a core event with my own code, but I have published an initial version of a module,
XoopsGrowl, which can be used in a Bootstrap 4.x or 5.x theme (using trivial core hacks) to replace the old Xoops template based redirect notification with a JavaScript only implementation using Bootstrap Alerts.
This is my first submission, so feel free to say if there is something I should be doing differently. Also, feel free to incorporate this into the core at your discretion, or ask me to create a pull request making this a selectable option along with jGrowl in the System Preferences.