private forums with Newbb5.00 and Xoops 2.5.10?
  • 2020/10/6 20:56

  • newbie555

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2020/9/27


I installed Xoops 2.5.10, and with help from this forum installed Newbb5.00

Now I would like to create a private forum,

with the above Newbb 5.00, anyone can click "Register now!", enter their details,
receive an automatic activation email, and they are now a member.

I would like to have a private forum, where to become a member you have to be manually authorised, either an account manually created, or for the registration to be manually authorised.

Newbb5.00 seems to allow user accounts to be manually created, but anyone at all can bypass that and make themselves a member.

is there a way to make Newbb5.00 forums private, where new users are manually authorised
and people cannot install themselves as members?

Re: private forums with Newbb5.00 and Xoops 2.5.10?
  • 2020/10/12 4:39

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

1) Create a new group in Admin, let's call it "Members", and select all checkboxes in the Forum

Resized Image

2) Go the the user who you want to be in the Members group and select both "Registered Users" and "Members"

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3) Go to NewBB and create a new Category called "Members"

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4) Go to Forums tab and click on the + folder to create a new forum "MemberForum"

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Let's call it "MemberForum":

Resized Image

Once you click on Submit, you should see this:

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5) Go to Permissions Tab, and for each selection make sure that the MemberForum is checked for the Members Group (and potentially for the Webmaster)

Resized Image

6) Now you can go to the Front End and you should see the "MembersForum" in the "Members" Category, where you can create a new topic

Resized Image
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