2016/12/21 15:19
XOOPS is my life!
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2016/12/21 15:45
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Since: 2004/4/23
2017/1/5 9:50
You're absolutely right, and Bleekk is working very hard to make it all very user friendly.
2017/1/5 15:24
Theme Designer
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Since: 2002/12/14
2017/1/5 21:05
2017/1/6 19:03
2017/1/7 14:54
2017/1/7 15:38
Quite a regular
Posts: 317
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Peekay wrote:No. Sorry Bleekk, I still just see a 'Register' button. Perhaps this is a NewBB permissions bug. Can any other ordinary (non-admin) users see the 'New Topic' button and start a new topic?
2017/1/7 16:24
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