You definitely should test the upgrade first. You can do it either on your local PC using something like
WampServer, or you can copy your current site to a new location on your current server, and then test the update there. Make sure that you also copy the database to something new, and update the links in your test installation. The key is that you don't touch/change your existing installation/database!
Regarding the modules:
There are new versions for these modules, or will be soon:
- Sistem admin 1.02 (that's part of XOOPS)
- Mastop go 1
- News 1.56
- Smartsection 2.13 ---> Publisher (it will import the data from SmartSections)
- Xcgallery 2.03
- Xoopstube 1.01 (it was done by McDonald, not by me, I only updated it
- Polls 1
- Links 1.12 (I guess, MyLinks or WF-Links should be OK)
- Wf downloads 3.1
- Liaise 1.26 --> xForms
- Backpack 0.93 ---> Backup
- Protector 3.13 (part of XOOPS installation)
These modules don't have official updates, so it would be better to look for other modules:
- Mastop publish 1.1
- Spotlight 1.3 (never made it work)
- Blocks admin 0.34
- Xt- temas 1
You might also need to update your theme.