Point 3) I had seen in my tests.
Had already provided for this with the addition of the field field_numb, in the table tdmcreate_fields.
In fact, this field is used only for this work, otherwise I would not have added as unnecessary since there is already a field table_nbfiles in the table tdmcreate_tables.
The work that must be done is to add loops to control this field_numb which table belongs to and it must be done in the file admin/tables.php, case save.
Point 6) Sorry! This is only because I was doing some tests with the var_dump function of php. It is not a bug will be deleted at the appropriate time.
Point 10) At the moment it might be a simple bug, but I assure you it works.
You just have to choose a radiobutton in tab fileds when new or edit that you feel may be the main field
To make you understand I'll show you what it is for!
If you go in the category file or other files, you will notice that there is a line of php class Criteria with such $criteria->setSort('cat_id ASC, cat_name');
cat_name is main field and you will find it also in the class file.
I hope this has cleared up a lot of ideas