Hi Mamba and thanx for your answer...
we definitely don't want anything being hard-coded, so if you see anything, please let us know.
Blekk has done a great job on it and certainly he can remove those have left.
As a quick example if you want to change the icons - edit, del, pdf print etc you must modify php files (item.php category.php latest_news.php). After completion of corrections by designers I will do a more detailed check because many of them possibly have been corrected.
There were already few discussions about it - we don't recommend to use the slashes in European dates like this: "d/m/Y". PHP thinks that when there are slashes, it is a US/UK format, and reads the first number as month, and not as day. Please use "d-m-Y", as recommended by Trabis 3 years ago
Thanks for this .... in file global.php date needs to be translated in two cases
define('_DATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i:s');
define('_MEDIUMDATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i');
* Additions to 2.5.5
define('_DBTIMESTAMPSTRING','Y-m-d H:i:s');
If there are problems only in European dates format with '/' a comment about it in global.php would help translators follows the right way. When I changed (in first case TIME FORMAT SETTINGS) the '/' with '-' in file global.php the date works normally.
Normally all local changes should be done in your local language files, for example in: \language\YOURLANGUAGE\calendar.php
if you look at Publisher's file:
the Publisher pulls the month names from the "calendar.php" file by building the array: $months_arr
The months in publisher archive appears normally. The calendar.php is translated into my language (Greek). The point still shows months in English is in the article below the title (in smarty tag <{$ item.when}>) with 3 characters like Jan,Oct etc.