2014/1/4 13:42
Theme Designer
Posts: 941
Since: 2002/12/14
2014/1/4 15:19
<{publisher_latest}> or <{publisher_latest ret='image'}>
<{publisher_latest ret='title'}>
2014/1/5 9:07
Posts: 596
Since: 2008/4/24
2014/1/5 10:20
Not too shy to talk
Posts: 149
Since: 2010/4/13
Bleekk wrote:I have created a smarty for you to get the title or image from the latest publisher article.Please download this oneUnzip it and put it in following folder 'class/smarty/xoops_plugins/'Now can use this smarty wherever you want in your themeFor image url: <{publisher_latest}> or <{publisher_latest ret='image'}> For the article title: <{publisher_latest ret='title'}> Let me know if it works
2014/1/5 10:24
2014/1/5 12:21
2014/1/5 17:51
$itemsObj = $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit = 3, $start = 0, '', -1, $sort = 'datesub', $order='DESC', '', true, $criteria = null, true);
2014/1/7 10:41
2014/1/7 14:44
2014/1/8 11:15
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