This solved the biggest part of my problem:
# commenting out Line 40 of /class/xoopsform/formtextdateselect.php :
#include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] . '/calendar.php';
# and hardcoding the /language/english directory
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/english/calendar.php';
The MiniCal "Submit event" link is now working as well, mysteriously.
I do still have a problem where, when entering the Start and End date for new events, when I click on the button "..." to bring up the Mini Calendar, the month number entered gets convoluted. For example, when I mouse-over the day "21" in the month of August, the date that appears at the bottom of the MiniCal is "2013/0108/21. Then, when I click on it, the date that gets put into the input box is "2013/0108/21".
Any idea the reason for the weird behavior?
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