I have update Xoops from 2.5.3 to 2.5.6. It's ok! But module myalbum-p 2.86 by Joe didn't worked (this problem is already known).
So I have update it, to version 3.07.
It's works, but the image is very large because <{$photo.width_height}> is null or empty
The thumbs are ok. I think there is some problem in database fields...
You have any suggestions? thanks
template myalbum_photo.html
<a href="<{$photo.ahref_photo}>" target="_blank" onClick="window.open('<{$photo.ahref_photo}>','','width=<{$photo.window_x}>,height=<{$photo.window_y}>');return(false);"><img src="<{$photo.imgsrc_photo}>" border="0"
align="center" vspace="3" hspace="7" alt="<{$photo.title}>" title="<{$photo.title}>" <{$photo.width_height}> />a>
<br />
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0">
<td align="left">