Installed 1.11 as new and re-configured everything, and using suico from XOOPS distro as test theme.
It still displays only a white screen when a correctly configured category with photos is selected, but only for slideshow mode. You can just see a brief flash of a photo before the screen goes white.
As soon as I open extgallery, this error occurs (Firebug console):
404 Not Found - /browse.php?Frameworks/jquery/plugins/jquery.ui.js
In addition, if I go to select a category under slideshow there is also a
TypeError: $.browser is undefined
TypeError: jQuery.easing[this.easing] is not a function
Album mode does display, but the displays are tombstoned and disorderly looking because they are center/middle justified but have different caption sizes (they should be top justified to look ordered and even). There appears to be no justification select to up-down justify photo container content. Better yet would be to top justify the photo and caption, and bottom justify the stats and rating.
But this is a separate cosmetic issue and is mentioned for FYI only.
Selecting any caption under any photo in the album opens a working slide show starting with that photo that does allow you to sequence through the photos manually using next/previous.
While I have 18 photos in a category, the count next to the category description registers 14 so the internal accounting algo must be using obamanomics math.
XOOPS debug mode showed no errors while making this test.