I thought I was going to need to write a plugin for this module, but couldn't find any plugins for it. Finally after a while I see that the info is in the sql file.
The info for the Jobs and Classifieds modules is wrong.
What is there is this:
sql/mysql.sql lines 29 and 30
('Classifieds', '2.0RC', 'classifieds_categories', 'cid', 'pid', 'title', 'title', 'index.php?pa=Adsview&cid=', 1, 1250805600, 1),
('Jobs', '4.0', 'jobs_categories', 'cid', 'pid', 'title', 'title', 'index.php?pa=jobsview&cid=', 1, 1250805600, 1),
It should be this:
('Classifieds', '2.53', 'classifieds_categories', 'cid', 'pid', 'title', 'title', 'catview.php?cid=', 1, 1250805600, 1),
('Jobs', '4.4', 'jobs_categories', 'cid', 'pid', 'title', 'title', 'jobscat.php?cid=', 1, 1250805600, 1),
It is best to change it in the mysql file before the module is installed, or make the changes then uninstall the module and then reinstall module, or you can edit them in the admin > plugin section of the module.
You need to change "category sort order" in the preferences for Classifieds from alphabetical to personalized order. Plus the changes above.
The only thing I see bad is xsitemap only goes 2 levels deep for the subcats.