I was thinking in taking the pt_PT language hoping that I could reuse the already translated strings from pt_BR.
Unfortunately, transifex only allows forking a language. Since the pt_PT language was already created, it did not allow me to import pt_BR translations. There is as option to display the string translated in pt_BR along with the source but the "copy source" button does not allow to copy the pt_BR. Resuming, I need to go copy/pasting the pt_BR translations and the pt_BR team will need to go copy/pasting pt_PT translations.
Due to this problem, it does not make sense to have 2 different projects. You can drop the pt_PT language on transifex. I'll be helping in the pt_BR team.
It is also a pain to know that transifex will not allow the use of class based translations. If we use class based translations on 2.6. we will have to create an export/import tool . Class to INI, INI to class. It is easy to do such tool, but it an extra step for translators. In the other hand, you will have only one file per language to worry about.