Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/22 5:25

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

please pay attention that all modules will not worked in 2.6 now until they will be compatible with the new core.
So only modules in the core will work with xoops 2.6.0 alpha 1.
Also Mamba updated soapbox module and you can download from here:

i found this strict issue in profile module:
StrictDeclaration of ProfileProfileHandler::insert() should be compatible with that of XoopsPersistableObjectHandler::insert() in file /modules/profile/class/profile.php line 338

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing

My understanding is that most modules will need to be tweaked to run with 2.6. The bigger changes will likely come with alpha 3 with the new database structure.

Assuming we are still on track to use PDO as the new database structure when 2.6 gets to Beta you will likely see a LARGE number of Modules stop working but in MOST cases the changes necessary will be minimal. Should be as simple as changing a method/function call in most cases.

Between changes to the database class and the new xoops class I expect most if not all of the current modules to "break" requiring minor modifications due to what core developers have said in the past.

As to Extensions...
I understand what you are saying about their being simple modules. Eventually I would expect them to truly become extensions and they should be in a different directory and perhaps be totally treated differently than a standard module. Maybe we should come up with a proper description of the difference between a module and an extension. My expectation of an extension is it is code that extends the functionality of the core. This functionality could be used by other systems or plugged in like how PM and Profile are now. PM and Profile should be extensions if they aren't already. Another aspect is that other code depends on it being there to work. Like Rankings... There are A LOT of programs that require rankings to be in place.

One big difference in how they SHOULD work (don't know if they do or not..)
Currently a module is its own entity you access its tables with module specific code etc. My impression of an extension is that it should be included with the core classes as if it was in the core since it really is an extension of the core. The main difference here is that with an extension it gets loaded every time you load the core, a module only gets loaded when you are accessing that module directly. Again, I have not inspected the code to see if this is how it works. With Profile and PM I believe they have worked that way for a long time. Prior to loading those two modules the core has very simple variations of them. Once you install them they supplement the core code that is already in place. Not like how a normal module works.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/22 10:28

  • kraven30

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 88

  • Since: 2008/12/23


Thank you but I have tried with compatible modules otherwise I would not have written on the topic, I changed class/theme.php now it works

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/22 11:29

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

your post is really informative and i like it.

My expectation of an extension is it is code that extends the functionality of the core. This functionality could be used by other systems or plugged in like how PM and Profile are now.

good. I will think about it. generally you are right. many modules uses profile and pm functions and also rank, smilies and ...
previously some module developers also created some modules that just works as a framework: eg: smart object
Or some developers make some multi-purpose modules like Altsys which is a module and a framework.
what i said and want from core team and also others is simple: please do not play with the names. let we have something in hand then we can judge and can name it.


With Profile and PM I believe they have worked that way for a long time. Prior to loading those two modules the core has very simple variations of them. Once you install them they supplement the core code that is already in place. Not like how a normal module works.

actually, profile and pm extends the core abilities. for example pm module even have not any table for its own. it used the core tables.
Also profile module use the _user table and also have some tables for its own.
when you uninstall them the core related tables would not be dropped.

An application (i cannot name it now) in Xoops is needed to extend the core functions. eg: you can see many modules uses the same method to create image or upload classes. I think a system/application should be defined just like "framework" but a dynamic system. then any developer can add its code and share with all Xoops system.
Im not a coder so i cannot explain my thoughts better.

what is your module and what do you change in class/theme.php
thank you.

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/22 19:01


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 127

  • Since: 2009/4/4 5

Blocks modules are leaving when editing module name

Resized Image

in IE8 no blocks
Resized Image

Control Panel (IE8)
Resized Image

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing

Is a module would have his own extensions ? Tag, Social networks, "super admin" features, ...

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/23 1:48

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


Is a module would have his own extensions ? Tag, Social networks, "super admin" features, ...

when i said it is confusing i imagined these kind of questions.
now users dont know what is a plugin from a module like tag for other modules and what is the newly released extensions.
actually when i sent some feature to the tracker i thought these extensions would be installed in the core to really extend the core system for all modules that needed that functionality.
Font manager plugin in system module

Font manager is also needed.
Many xoops modules and function could use this font plugin.
eg: captcha, xoops editors, external editors, image watermark, ,,,
Recently there are some new conversations about adding "tcpdf" to the next xoops 2.6 as a new library.

so any module needed a font manager can request/call from this extension.

other example:

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/23 4:19

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

i confirmed your bug in IE 8.0
It seems a jQuery 1.8 issue.

Mamba wrote:
It seems to be working fine with jQuery 1.7.2

Try to replace the jquery.js in


folder with jQuery 1.7.2 and let us know if it works now.

Also i should say something about the new form introduced in modules/system/testform.php

Everything is nice just i wish core team pay attention to requests for including jQuery UI date picker

feature in the tracker:

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/23 14:59


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 127

  • Since: 2009/4/4 5


irmtfan wrote:
i confirmed your bug in IE 8.0
It seems a jQuery 1.8 issue.

Mamba wrote:
It seems to be working fine with jQuery 1.7.2

Try to replace the jquery.js in


folder with jQuery 1.7.2 and let us know if it works now.

So I did and said that the blocks are not dragged .And check on the version jquery 1.7.2
Blocks dragged , but problems remain with IE8

In IE7 the same in IE 6 horror! (IE6 and IE7 tested program IETester)

Re: XOOPS 2.6.0 Alpha 1 Testing
  • 2012/8/24 1:19

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

i test in local new beta core...
The moduleclasses was removed? or is only at the moment work in progress?
In this mode all modules do not work updating to 2.6


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