Hello all,
I have try 3 times to install xoops 2.5.5 but it doesn't work.
The part user portal all is ok but in administration, all page is blank exept the first page (Panel) if i clic on group or module > white page, same problem for all option.
I have try with protector installation and not > NOK
I have reuplaoded all files > NOK
Check Chmod , all is ok
I have try on 2 dedicated server > same problem
I don't understand why ...
HElp me please .
Version de XOOPS XOOPS 2.5.5
Version de PHP 5.2.13-pl1-gentoo
Version de MySql 5.0.44-log
Serveur API cgi
Système d'exploitation Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc On
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On
post_max_size 8M
max_input_time 60
max_execution_time 30
memory_limit 8M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 256M
Thanks in advance