Thanks Mamba,
As I edited my post above to mention, I can access module content, but not /admin.php or the module admin interface, both of which display blank pages.
As far as protector goes:
[~/www]# find ./ -name protector -print
[~/www]# grep protector ./mainfile.php
[~/www]# grep Protector ./mainfile.php
How do I flush my cache without having access to the admin menu? (I have shell and DB access.)
Edit: I read the FAQ on caching here:
https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=771but am a bit confused as to how to clear the cache when I can't access the admin interface, and don't want to break anything with the command line.
Edit-2: There are a _ton_ of "*.html.php" files in my templates_c directory with file change dates ranging from 2006-2010. Is is a good idea to delete these? (I created a backup dir for the content of templates_c and moved everything from templates_c into the new directory, then tried to access my site, but still get the blank white pages.)