I began the hard work!
I arrived at this step...
(view post on
http://www.xoopsitalia.org/forum/p/69328/re-filtrare-i-blocchi-per-categoria.html )
Now I have two problems ...
The first problem is to make dynamically the following code...
in modules/system/admin/blocksadmin/main.php
// Hack by HakaIT (block category filter) START
$sel_cat = new XoopsFormSelect( _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_CATEGORY, 'selcat', $selcat );
$sel_cat->setExtra( "onchange='submit()'" );
$sel_cat->addOption( -1, _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_TYPES );
$sel_cat->addOption( 0, 'Cat1' );
$sel_cat->addOption( 1, 'Cat2' );
$filterform->addElement( $sel_cat );
// Hack by HakaIT (block category filter) END
In reality, the options must be dynamic, so you have to query the new table xoops_block_category.
The second problem is to create the Category Manager page.