As you may be aware I am currently working on some major upgrades to the install program. In this process I came across some built in error checking stuff in the Install scripts.
Here is a couple suggestions for you that I have not seen tried yet.
Fresh install...
Before you run the install program...
Make sure you have everything copied over and leave the xoops_data and xoops_lib alone.
From the main directory of the xoops file take the checksum.php and checksum.md5 and copy them to your sites root directory and call it in this manner...
http://yoursite.com/checksum.phpIt will take a little while depending on how fast your system is.
(2-3 minutes is not unreasonable)
This will check your files to make sure they are all there.
Once you have done this then you can turn on some error logging for the install.
open up the following file in a text editor that is on your site.
(Edit it off site and reuploading it would be the best bet.)
At lines 46-53 you will find this code.
error_reporting( 0 );
if (isset($xoopsLogger)) {
$xoopsLogger->activated = false;
$xoopsLogger->activated = true;
If you remove the comment tags from lines 46 and 53 this will turn on the more extensive debugging. This should help figure out what the issue is.
Since you are having issues I would leave the main folder the way it is until you make sure it works. THEN you can move the xoops_dir and xoops_lib out of document root which will require updating the secure.php file as well.
Also would not install any modules until you make sure it all installs correctly. Once you verify it works then slowly add your modules.
Good Luck!
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.