Templates question
  • 2011/7/6 15:24

  • deka87

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1125

  • Since: 2007/10/5

hi there again,

well i've got a question regarding templates in 2.5. in xoops 2.4.5 we used to have a default template set and cloned ones whish we coudl edit and store in the database. but i can find my cloned sets after updating to 2.5 instead i've got a generated template set that is stored in the theme folder and is actually default. where are my cloned and modified sets and how do i edit them now.
Mind anchors

Re: Templates question
  • 2011/7/18 20:16

  • Anonymous

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Looks like the problem I have. My modified template set seems gone, I can choose it in settings but can't see it when in the template editor. Strange thing is I get an error message/ the site is going bananas when choosing the default template set under general settings.

My site is also from 2.4.x updated to 2.5.x

Re: Templates question

You will likely need to edit the original templates. With 2.5 the normal process of cloning templates has been removed. Someone else can chime in that is more aware of the proper process but my understanding is that editing/cloning templates with xoops was in essence removed with 2.5. (Depreciated was the term used but normally depreciated means they are still supported but will be removed later. )

I think they removed them from the database and you now have them in the theme folder. If you have more than one theme available you will have to change them in each theme.

Or just change the original template set in the modules themselves by hand.

They were removed because that "feature" at this time is not supported in XE as I understand it.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Templates question
  • 2011/7/19 6:31

  • deka87

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1125

  • Since: 2007/10/5

Well from some point it is very handy to have a specific template set for every theme you use on your website. But we had this feature in 2.4 along with clonned templates. Just download your clonned set and upload it in the theme folder.
Mind anchors


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