Differences in Template files (database vs theme files) as XOOPS evolves
  • 2011/6/10 16:54

  • techdb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 23

  • Since: 2005/3/7 1

I am running XOOPS 2.5.1a and extGallery 1.0.9 and am running into either a template problem and/or cache problem. I have been running xoops since close to the beginning and continually upgrading.

I have an old hack that I created through the old template system. I hacked the public-album.php module file. Despite clearing cache and reloading over and over again, generating new template files with the new XOOPS, turning the check for template modification button on and off, I can't get the new templates to load.

This made me look more carefully at 'templates' and I am wondering where I should be making template changes from now on....

Remnants of old Xoops is on preferences/general settings where I can choose my regular old default template set.

New Xoops (extGallery) generates template files for all modules inside of my selected theme. I like this as it is much better to have template files sitting in theme folder...


1. Is there a switch I need to select to change from the database generated templates from old XOOPS (for example the ones that can be altered by using ALTSYS) as start using the new XOOPS templates (the ones stored in theme/module folder)?

2. How can I definitely clear old template cache? Should I do this?

3. Will new templates for old modules work if I make alterations in the theme/modules/ templates?

I finally found work around by using ALTSYS to manually rewrite the database templates with the file templates but it seems like there should be a switch to turn off using database generated templates.

Many thanks.

Re: Differences in Template files (database vs theme files) as XOOPS evolves
  • 2011/6/13 1:59

  • techdb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 23

  • Since: 2005/3/7 1

I figured this stuff out...

1. Switch is to set preferences to default template.
2. Probably no reason to wipe database templates. When you generate template files on newer xoops they generate from the template folder inside the module - not the database. You need to use database file to then update template file inside theme folder and then forget about them.
3. Yes- things seem to work fine with updating template files for old modules in template folder


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