Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 14:45

  • AlexSolo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2006/3/8 1

Rented a Server from Hostways. Had several database sites running. Server failed. Backup failed. So now drive is a slave and I'm pulling off the host files and database files (cannot export files via phpmyadmin). So, now each database folder has a bunch of separate files, that are now read only via phpmyadmin, on a new drive install.

My Xoops site was my biggest and most successful site, although non-paying (my daughter's swim team). How do I incorporate these old files into a new writable database?

I know that this is really not an Xoops specific question but this may happen to others some day and an answer may benefit all who are not database wizards.

I REALLY need to get this site functioning especially the listserv with all the groups, emails, coaches...

Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 15:06

  • dbman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/4/28

Assuming you have the actual data files, you could use the method described in this posting:


Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 16:07

  • AlexSolo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2006/3/8 1

I do have the actual data files. I will read this and see if I can understand it. Please check back as I may need additional advice.

Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 16:43

  • AlexSolo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2006/3/8 1

I do have a current version of phpmyadmin, locally on my mamp install. Seem easy to change permissions and then export as a single database file for future import into new server. Relatively painless. thanks for pointing me in the right direction. My version of phpmyadmin was so old, on the original server, that feature was not part of the install.

Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 17:43

  • dbman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/4/28

If you have single database file in SQL format you can easily run that directly in your new server or on your local Mac server. Connect to the new database and load or copy paste the file in the SQL editor. If the file was generated as a full SQL backup this will build the tables and insert the records.

If you don't have a SQL file but do have the data files (*.myi, *.myd,etc) use the method mention in the link to restore.

Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 18:14

  • AlexSolo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2006/3/8 1

I have the separate files. I thought of combining them once I fix the permission issues. Which should be what? How should the permissions be set so the database functions correctly? As root?
with read and write? Read and write for all?

When that is fixed I thought of exporting as a SQL for future import to the New server.

Re: Server crash trouble with all database files Xoops my biggest install, Advice?
  • 2011/3/11 18:37

  • dbman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/4/28

Assuming you are referring to database permissions and not file system permissions.

If you can get the files to load you can set permissions for the required database user using the mysql grant function. For security reasons you would not want to use the root user as the database user for your xoops install. The syntax for the grant function would be:

GRANT SELECTINSERTUPDATEDELETE ON xoops_database.* TO username@'databaseserver' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

you'll need to run:
flush privileges;

after you run the grant statement to clear privilege cache.


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