I have installed this module on a clients site (He previously had the wordpressME module that was causing a 500 server error)
His server specs are:
PHP Version::4.4.9
libxml Version::Can't detect.
MySQL Version::4.1.24-max-log
XOOPS Version::XOOPS 2.3.1
XPressME Version::2.37
WordPress Version::2.9.2
WP DB Version::12329
When attempting to delete a post the post does not delete. I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_strlen() in /home/content/xx/xx/xx/xxxx/xxxx/modules/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xpressme/include/custom_functions.php on line 481
All errors (0) queries (5) blocks (0) extra (0) timers (3)
SELECT * FROM xf27_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM xf27_session WHERE sess_id = 'cxxxxxxxxxxx40eeb6b82d9e3f520350'
SELECT * FROM xf27_users WHERE uid = '146'
SELECT mid FROM xf27_modules WHERE `dirname` = 'wordpress'
SELECT conf_value FROM xf27_config WHERE `conf_modid` = 45 AND `conf_name` = 'memory_limit'
Total: 5 queries
The offending line block contains:
function xpress_substr($str, $start, $length, $trimmarker = '...') { if (function_exists('mb_substr')){ $str2 = mb_substr( $str , $start , $length); return $str2 . ( mb_strlen($str)!=mb_strlen($str2) ? $trimmarker : '' ); } else { return ( strlen($str) - $start <= $length ) ? substr( $str, $start, $length ) : substr( $str, $start, $length - strlen($trimmarker) ) . $trimmarker; } }
of the above line 481 is:
return $str2 . ( mb_strlen($str)!=mb_strlen($str2) ? $trimmarker : '' );
Any idea what the problem here could be?