xoops.css for 2.5.0
  • 2010/12/1 12:12

  • mjoel

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 325

  • Since: 2006/12/9

there are many changes in xoops.css

and it overrides the css definition in our custom theme

i use custom theme in my xoops site

as example in my custom theme i have define the css for form button in mysite

and now randomly i will see different design button for the form from xoops.css

xoops.css for 2.5

/* $Id: xoops.css 5690 2010-11-05 14:48:38Z kris_fr $ */

/*=== FORMAT BASIC ELEMENTS, can be overwritten in theme styles ===*/
table {width100%; border-collapse:collapseborder-spacing0;}
strongbdfn font-weightbold;}
iem font-styleitalic;}
del text-decorationline-through;}
sup {vertical-align:text-top;}
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ins {text-decoration:none;}
img border0;}
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margin:         6px auto;
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text-align:     left;
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margin:         2px 6px 2px 0;
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acronymabbrdfn {cursorhelp;}
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color:              #000;
font-weight:        normal;
font-style:         normal;
text-decoration:    none;
/* for pagenav, can be overwritten in theme styles */
.pagneutral {
font-size:          10px;
width:              16px;
height:             19px;
text-align:         center;
background-image:   url(./images/pagneutral.gif);
pagact {
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text-align:         center;
background-image:   url(./images/pagact.gif);
paginact {
font-size:          10px;
width:              16px;
height:             19px;
text-align:         center;
background-image:   url(./images/paginact.gif);
/* For required elements in XOOPS form */
.xoops-form-element-caption .caption-marker displaynone;}
xoops-form-element-caption-required .caption-marker {
background-color:   inherit;
padding-left:         2px;
color:                 #ff0000;
xoops-form-element-help {
font-size:            .9em;
padding-top:        5px;
font-weight:        normal;
/* forms basic style */
fieldset border:0;}
inputtextareaselect {background-color#fff; color: #000;}
input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button], .xo-formbuttons, .formButtonbutton {
background-color:   #D3D2D6;
color:              #405A80;
padding:             3px;
/* fix for swf banner */
#xo-fixbanner a {
display:            block;
position:            absolute;
z-index:            102;
width:                468px;
height:                60px;

/* jGrowl redirection */
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/* JGrowl Box position in the page */
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body div.jGrowl.top-left {left:0top:0;}
/* jGrowl Box style */
div.center div.jGrowl-notificationdiv.center div.jGrowl-closer {margin-leftautomargin-rightauto;}
div.jGrowl div.jGrowl-notificationdiv.jGrowl div.jGrowl-closer {
background-color:         #EBFBFE;
color:              #000080;
width:              100%;
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border-radius:        5px;
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khtml-border-radius:   5px;
div.jGrowl div.jGrowl-notification {min-height40px;}
div.jGrowl div.jGrowl-notification div.header {font-weightboldfont-size10px;}
/* jGrowl Close button */
div.jGrowl div.jGrowl-notification div.close {floatrightfont-weightboldfont-size12pxcursorpointer;}
div.jGrowl div.jGrowl-closer {height15pxpadding-top4pxpadding-bottom4pxcursorpointerfont-size11pxfont-weightboldtext-aligncenter;}

/*=== GENERIC CLASS, for use in themes, modules and contents ===*/
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line160 {line-height1.6em;}
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/*========  others opacity class ======== */
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.dashedsilver border 1px dashed #c0c0c0;}
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.doubleblue border 4px double #0000ff;}
.doubleorange border 4px double #ffa500;}
.doublegreen border 4px double #008000;}
.doublebrown border 4px double #a52a2a;}
.doublesilver border 4px double #c0c0c0;}
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.groovegreen border 3px groove #008000;}
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.groovesilver border 3px groove #c0c0c0;}
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.ridgeblue border 3px ridge #0000ff;}
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.ridgegreen border 3px ridge #008000;}
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.ridgesilver border 3px ridge #c0c0c0;}
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.insetblue border 3px inset #0000ff;}
.insetorange border 3px inset #ffa500;}
.insetgreen border 3px inset #008000;}
.insetbrown border 3px inset #a52a2a;}
.insetsilver1 border 1px inset #c0c0c0;}
.insetsilver border 3px inset #c0c0c0;}
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.outsetblack border 3px outset #000;}
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.outsetwhite border 3px outset #fff;}
.outsetred border 3px outset #ff0000;}
.outsetyellow border 3px outset #ffff00;}
.outsetblue border 3px outset #0000ff;}
.outsetorange border 3px outset #ffa500;}
.outsetgreen border 3px outset #008000;}
.outsetbrown border 3px outset #a52a2a;}
.outsetsilver1 border 1px outset #c0c0c0;}
.outsetsilver border 3px outset #c0c0c0;}
/*========  font family class ======== */
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courierNew font-family'Courier New'Couriermonospace; }
georgia font-familyGeorgia'Times New Roman'Timesserif; }
lucidaConsole font-family'Lucida Console'Monacomonospace; }
lucidaSansUnicode font-family'Lucida Sans Unicode''Lucida Grande'sans-serif; }
tahoma font-familyTahomaGenevasans-serif; }
times font-family'Times New Roman'Timesserif; }
trebuchet font-family'Trebuchet MS'Helveticasans-serif; }
verdana font-familyVerdanaGenevasans-serif; }
msSans font-family'MS Sans Serif'Genevasans-serif; }
msSerif font-family'MS Serif''New York'serif; }
helvetica font-family'Helvetica Neue'HelveticaArialsans-serif; }
impact font-familyImpactCharcoalsans-serif; }
century font-family'Century Gothic''Lucida Grande''Lucida Sans Unicode'sans-serif; }
/*========  shadows class ======== */
.shadow text-shadow:         2px 2px 3px #aaa;}
.shadowlight text-shadow:     1px 1px 2px #aaa;}
.boxshadow {
box-shadow:             1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
moz-box-shadow:     1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
webkit-box-shadow1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
boxshadow1 {
box-shadow0 0 20px #787878;
-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #787878;
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px #787878;
boxrelief {
box-shadow:             0 20px 10px -10px rgba(255,255,255,0.3inset;
moz-box-shadow:     0 20px 10px -10px rgba(255,255,255,0.3inset;
webkit-box-shadow0 20px 10px -10px rgba(255,255,255,0.3inset;
boxinset {
box-shadow:                0 3px 8px rgba(0,0,0,.24inset;
moz-box-shadow:        0 3px 8px rgba(0,0,0,.4inset;
webkit-box-shadow:     0 3px 8px rgba(0,0,0,.4inset;
/*========  multiple columns content ======== */
.twocolumn {
moz-column-count2; -moz-column-gap1.5em;
webkit-column-count2; -webkit-column-gap1.5em;
threecolumn {
moz-column-count3; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-count3; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;
forcolumn {
moz-column-count4; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-count4; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;
column10 {
moz-column-width10em; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-width10em; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;
column15 {
moz-column-width15em; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-width15em; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;
column20 {
moz-column-width20em; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-width20em; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;
column25 {
moz-column-width25em; -moz-column-gap1.2em;
webkit-column-width25em; -webkit-column-gap1.2em;

Re: xoops.css for 2.5.0
  • 2010/12/1 15:40

  • kris_fr

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1009

  • Since: 2005/12/31


Style sheets in your theme are loaded before or after xoops.css?
Then your problem may also come from the jgrowl redirection.

The new generic class xoops.css have to help users to easily format their content and for module developers to limit the css code in templates


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