I have run into somewhat of a wall with the Wiki online here and have decided to devote time to upgrading the mediawiki module to mediawiki 1.16.0.
Joomla has a plugin that allows it to work with pretty much any of the mediawiki versions from the older one such as the one online here to the newest version available. My intention is to use this and the mediawiki module Dj made as a base to make a new module compatible with the newest versions of mediawiki.
Will post more when it is available. However for now I don't plan to do much to the wiki as is until I have this new version available.
However please do visit the
Module Development Page and add to the list of needed tutorials. If there is a request for a tutorial that you know about please write a tutorial about it. If you are not sure how to put it in the wiki feel free to PM me and I will be more then happy to include it for you.
Hopefully once the new mediawiki is available we will be able to do more with it.
I will need testers for this once I have it working. But I will post a news article when I have it working to a point I feel comfortable with it.