The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awryWhen developing any software, there is a technique called the development cycle. This outlines the basic structure that all developers should follow and is one of the most important elements within Xoops that has been missing for a long time. Development Team: What's the point of having a saddle if you don't have a horse? All the plans in the world will mean nothing, if you do not have the team in place to carry them out.
Should this team be the core development team or module developers? It should lie firmly at the door of the core and there are a number of very good reasons for this:
• Most of the main classes, methods and files are already situated within the core and would require little tweaking. If we do this within a module framework outwit the core, we again will have to split most classes, functions, and files up, and this would mean double the work and out of all these, XoopsObject and XoopsObjectHandler comes to mind straight away.
Just about everything within Xoops now runs through the two classes I have mentioned, it seems illogical to me to have two different versions of the same classes being used within the same system, basically, one for modules and one for the core. To me, this is impractical for all concerned.
Another variable you have to take into consideration is this, when a class or function is part of the core, this is generally considered the correct way of adding functionality to your module. For example: Notifications or group permissions. Generally, I will write new code only if the core cannot provide me with a real solution, or there is a bug or the code is too restrictive in its approach.
• Who will maintain this framework? If you are suggesting that module developers should maintain this library, I would suggest you rethink that approach. One thing is certain here, module developers come and go, modules fall off the map, but the core will continue even after a developer quits. Ask yourself this question, what is the current state of the modules that were part of the core and yet, module developers were ‘asked‘ to maintain those modules, but that never happened? What makes you think this will be any different?
2. Follow the development Cycle: Xoops is a large-scale project, yet it’s being treated daily like someone’s private own script with no real organisation or thought process. When was the last time that the roadmap was last revised? In fact, when was the last time that there was any meeting to actually discuss in any great detail to what is required of Xoops and how to actually go about adding new features, fixing old ones and removing obsolete code? This certainly did not happen with Xoops v.3.
There are rules and guidelines that must be adhered to when you have (or should have) many different people working as a team within the same project and yet, Xoops as a project ignores these principles, but yet, I’m still getting asked to design unit tests on code that was never designed to run unit tests in the first place.
For the last six to seven years I have been saying the exact same thing, things have to change, because the way we currently are doing things is wrong on so many different levels. There is no development cycle, no real structure, and no delegation of tasks and when people do offer to help, they are generally left out in the cold and in most cases, just walk away.
You say you want a framework. So do I am many other developers, but the biggest difference is in the way we both think it should be done. I am saying no to a modular framework, because I believe it is the wrong way forward for exactly the reasons I have stated already and I believe that if this if going to be done correctly, it should be within the core and maintained by the core.
I think am really done trying to get changes here, and personally I’m getting sick and tired of constantly having to butt heads with people over what should really be normal working practice in a community like this. The people I feel sorrier for the normal users, who just want to have their websites with good working modules.