I've tested a bunch of them, but none of them seem to have all the options I would like. Not sure if there are modules not hosted by sourceforge or if I'm overlooking some.
I'm looking for a Video Module where I can set permissions on what someone can watch/view. Used embedded code to promote my youtube.com videos, and upload videos that are less than a gig big, so people can view and download them. A system that also adds thumbnails to each one without me having to upload a thumbnail, or just having the option to upload a thumbnail I guess is also fine.
Just overall the best video module possible would do, and I'll work with what I can. I'd perfer it to be final, no beta stuff ;)
Any information on tested modules or what others find useful could help a great deal. As of right now I have "videotube" installed but there are no options to upload, and the categories are really messy.
Thanks =)