I am upgrading an old module and have a question about the Xoops module update process.
This particular module has an 'install_functions.php' file which I can see transfers some category image files from the module folder to the Xoops uploads folder. However, there's also an 'upgrade_functions.php' file which contains an incomplete copy of the install SQL, plus some similar image transfer commands.
think this file is simply a test for a feature that hasn't been used, but I don't want to delete it in case it has a purpose.
When the 'update module' button is pressed in admin, I can't really see which files are called, so I wondered, does Xoops look for any particular files in the module, or does it just re-run 'sql/mysql.sql' and 'xoops_version.php' ?
Any info would be appreciated.
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