menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/13 23:40

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

i want to change the names on the buttons and also, when the menu button is clicked it doesn't go to the index of the module...it shows the directory for the module instead! yikes!

please tell me what to edit???

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 14:50

  • mboyden

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A good start might be what version of XOOPS, what module and version, and what actions you took that made it result in the problems you're having.

For instance, did it work correctly before you started making changes? If so, then what changes did you make and where?

XOOPS is an elegant CMS solution, but it also depends upon several pieces of inter-dependent programming that come together in the end to give you powerful control over your solution. With that comes some complexity when developing things. However, making changes to templates and language files is relatively easy overall.
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill

XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 19:12

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

ok thanks. i'm not really having any problems with broken stuff...just stuff i don't know and can't find by searching.

xoops 2.4.4. all the modules/blocks (i'm still a little confused as to what is attached where) need the button text changed. i haven't done anything to them as yet so they arent broken, but i'm about to take care of that. lmao.

i've settled on xoops snif for file downloads and rather than have the button in the main menu say 'Xoops snif' i want it to simply say 'Downloads'. i think i figured out where to change the button text, i just don't know how.

if i go to blocks/main menu/edit/content/edit template, i can see this code for the main menu but what do i do to it to make the button text change??

<table cellspacing="0">
<td id="mainmenu">
<a class="menuTop" href="<{$xoops_url}>/"><{$block.lang_home}></a>
<!-- start module menu loop -->
<{foreach item=module from=$block.modules}>
<a class="menuMain" href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$module.directory}>/" title="<{$module.name}>"><{$module.name}></a>
<{foreach item=sublink from=$module.sublinks}>
<a class="menuSub" href="<{$sublink.url}>" title="<{$sublink.name}>"><{$sublink.name}></a>
<!-- end module menu loop -->

since i am using a sub-domain my links don't work and need to be edited. when i click the main menu button for xsniff it doesn't open the index page for the module, it opens the directory. not good. where do i change this?

please feel free to try this if i haven't explained myself properly.


Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 19:39

  • mboyden

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  • Posts: 484

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You (typically) don't need to modify a template to change the language.

For the XOOPS main menu, the link to each module is controlled by what you name the module in the Modules Administration area. So, just go to the Admin place where you install the modules, change the name to Downloads, and save the page. Incidentally, the order is managed by the numbers and you can hide it from the menu by using an order of 0 (zero).

For other language changes, you modify the language files. These are stored /language/<lang> (where <lang> is the language director such as english, espanol, french, german, etc.). There is a set off the root for XOOPS and each module also has a set.

For me, the easiest thing to do is edit them on the server using the grep command to find the phrase.

Clear as mud?
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill

XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 20:23

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

very. muddy that is. :)

thanks so much for helping me change the button text. that was much easier than i thought it would be considering i have been trying to solve it for about 5 days now.


can u help me with the link to the index too???

when i click on my new 'downloads' button it doesn't take me to the index of the module like this:http://entertainmenttoronto.platinumj.ca/modules/xsnif/index.php

it opens the directory of the module like this:

where and how do i fix this??? i am using a subdomain and i believe that is the reason why....

regarding language, you have raised another question that i wasn't even thinking to ask! lol! i will save it for after...one thing at a time...


Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 22:01

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

to be honest, it's not really solved. i still don't know how to do this: however, i have chosen to go with the global nav bar instead, as the site is very simple and doesn't require extensive menus.

thanks so much!


Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/15 22:11

  • mboyden

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  • Posts: 484

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

Two things and even if you go with the global nav you should look at the both of them. Both are related to the configuration of your web server. If this is a dev environment and production is different, then you may or may not have to worry. But if it's production, then I would say worry.

Directory Listings and Default Page

Your web server should have a default page. Generally a list of documents in order like index.php, index.html. index.htm, default.html, default.htm, default.asp, etc. When presented with a directory instead of a file, it should look for those files in order and present/use the first one found.

As to the Directory Listings, a secure server shouldn't allow this. It's a simple configuration change to disallow directory listings. It provides an insecure environment. Even if you don't provide a link to just the directory which provides a listing, the script kiddiez will find your server/site.

If it's your server, you should solve these configuration issues; if it's a hosting provider, either they should help you through them and get them solved correctly or you should find another provider.
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill

XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/16 19:22

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

thanks for the reminder...i had a eureka moment in the middle of the night and forgot all about it by morning...

there is an index manager in my control panel. according to what i read simply changing the setting to 'no indexing' will prevent people from reading my directory regardless, as you said.

so i left the response half written and went to deal with that. everything seems to be in order now and what used to turn up a directory listing now says "no access". :)

also, what do you mean about dev and production? THANKS

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/16 20:38

  • mboyden

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  • Posts: 484

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wyldfyah wrote:Quote:
also, what do you mean about dev and production?

Sorry, I come from a software development environment, so may go overboard. However, there are typically 3-4 stages to developing and producing an application.

1) Development Sandbox - this is where the developer does their work. When it's "ready" they throw it to test. This allows them to also test the deployment to a production environment.
2) Test - often the Test setup is also the staging setup which is the server between test and production and allows one to test the final deployed application prior to going live on the server the real users see.
3) Production - this is where the application goes into final usage by the real users.

By isolating these three setups, you have a higher likelihood of not breaking production setup while doing new development. And this is another reason I like XOOPS because it's pretty easy to deploy. I typically run all three setups on the same server, but with 3 different areas for files and 3 different databases behind them.
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill

XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development

Re: menu buttons-rename and edit link
  • 2010/4/16 22:35

  • wyldfyah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2010/4/8 2

oh gosh!

so you have 3 identical setups? is that what you're saying?

and the production one is the "final" version that people actually use?

that makes sense. i'm here playing around with the actual site...not too smart i guess. i will have to set up a test one for my own sake. i never even thought of it. i mean i was using a test site to learn how themes and modules work but i never thought of having an exact copy of my site to play with.

there are a million little things and each one of them seems to take a day or two to figure out. everyone says xoops is so ez and i suppose it is if you have some knowledge or experience. to me it's a bunch of gibberish. i feel like i'm learning klingon or something. LOL!

well, enuf crying in my soup, i have no time to waste since i haven't even clawed my way onto the learning curve yet.

thanks for your help.


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