The problem with block visible or not visible didn´t happen now, it is strange bug i can´t repeat to find.
I have found that installing a new module it didin´t show blocks so i have changed in modules/system/admin/modulesadmin/modulesadmin.php
line 209
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix('block_module_link') . ' (block_id, module_id) VALUES (' . $newbid . ', -1)';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix('block_module_link') . ' (block_id, module_id) VALUES (' . $newbid . ', 0)';
the two blocks xoops_version info is
// Blocks
$modversion['blocks'][1]['file'] = "videotutoriales_blocks.php";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['name'] = _MI_VIDEOTUTORIALES_LATEST;
$modversion['blocks'][1]['description'] = '_MI_VIDEOTUTORIALES_LATEST_DESC';
$modversion['blocks'][1]['show_func'] = "latestvideos";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['template'] = 'videotutoriales_block_latest.html';
$modversion['blocks'][2]['file'] = "videotutoriales_blocks.php";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['name'] = _MI_VIDEOTUTORIALES_TOP;
$modversion['blocks'][2]['description'] = '_MI_VIDEOTUTORIALES_TOP_DESC';
$modversion['blocks'][2]['show_func'] = "topvideos";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['template'] = 'videotutoriales_block_top.html';
Don´t know if something more is needed but if i have to -1 i can´t show the block to activate it.