Block Clone Template empty
  • 2009/12/11 20:59

  • rgauci

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2007/8/31

When I clone a block from either the System or any module it works fine. What I mean is that on my home page I am seeing the original Block and also the Cloned Block. But if I go to the Cloned block and click on the Edit Template link this will open the html file which is located at the Template Set Manager BUT the field of every cloned block is empty no html code whatsoever no like the original block where the code risides and you can edit the html.

Very strange can any one give an explanation I am using XOOPS 2.3.3 and also 2.4+

Finally I did go into my phpadmin and found the tpl of the cloned block and for some reason the html code is there as if the cloned block in the database is exactly like the original block. But the strangest thing is that if I change the html code in the cloned block in the databse it will change but when I go to update my system it still will not change it remains as the original block.


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