Templates Management
Yes, you need to edit the system_siteclosed.html template. However, that depends.... When you installed XOOPS, that created a default template set in the database based on the files. If you edit the file, then you will also have to update the system module.
Better is to use the AltSys (from GIJOE) module where you have much better control over your templates and can more easily edit templates while developing. It's a MUST-have module IMHO.
My recommendation is to leave the file versions alone and clone them into another one (besides default) and then select that template set as the default in your installation and then edit those. Then when you update modules, you can see what changed (diff between default and the file) as well as keep the version you currently have and edit any changes into it.
Finally, it's possible to over-ride the templates in the theme. So, if the theme you are using has a modules directory in it (XROOT/themes/modules/modName/template_name.html, then if the modName/template_name.html matches the module directory and template name, then it will override anything in the system database. So that would be the place to edit it (or delete it to go back to what is in the database).
Clear as mud?
search tags: templates, management, edit, modify, administer, administrate, altsys, instructions