If you want to use XoopsObjectTree you need to get data from a database as objects at the beginning. For this purpose, creating a class object, for example Category, into file /modules/mymodule/class/category.php
For more detail:
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?viewmode=flat&type=&topic_id=68782&forum=28(in the example below, my module is called pfxfp, you have to rename it to yours modulename!)
class pfxfpCategory extends XoopsObject
* constructor
function pfxfpCategory()
function __construct()
//definitions of the table field names (which includes categories) from the database
$this->initVar("id_cat", XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false);
$this->initVar("id_parent_cat", XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false);
$this->initVar('name', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false, 255);
class pfxfpCategoryHandler extends XoopsPersistableObjectHandler
function pfxfbCategoryHandler(&$db)
function __construct(&$db)
parent::__construct($db, 'pfxfp_categories', 'pfxfpCategory', 'id_cat');
function getCategories($criteria=null)
if (!is_object($criteria)) {
$criteria = new Criteria(null);
$ret = $this->getObjects($criteria);
return $ret;
and call in a script
//initialize category class (modulename is importat!)
$obj_handler =& xoops_getModuleHandler('category', 'pfxfp');
//get data as objects
$objs = $obj_handler->getCategories();
//transmitting data to XoopsObjectTree, the parameters ('id_cat', 'id_parent_cat') are the same as the class category
$kt = new XoopsObjectTree( $objs, 'id_cat', 'id_parent_cat' );
If you want form with select categories
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsformloader.php";
$cform = new XoopsThemeForm("form title", "frm");
//$kt refers to XoopsObjectTree
$a = $kt->makeSelBox( "id_parent_cat", "name", '-- ' , '', true );
$cform -> addElement( new XoopsFormLabel( 'Categories', $a ), true );