Hello all,
In first i need to explain you that the traduction was made by menber of the official french informatic forum that i'm the administrator because of my poor english.
As my fonction of administrator of the French informatics magazine site called "PC update" and "Hardware magazine" (
http://www.techage.fr), I want to move it to XOOPS for many reason. In first I use it for my personal usage from many years and after because the development is blocked by poor functionality of the actual PunBB.
But I have trouble with the "edit user function" which send back a blank sheet as admin login (keeping the admin menu), and even totally blank under debug mode.
To be sure and trying to understand why this happen, I tried again with a new installation within 2.3.3 and the function edit user was fully operational.
I'd just import members from PunBB to XOOPS with this part of script:
# Create users
insert into xoops_users (uid, uname, email, pass, name, url, user_icq, user_msnm, user_aim, user_yim, user_from, user_sig, attachsig, timezone_offset, posts, user_regdate, last_login, actkey, rank, level)
select id, username, email, password, realname, url, icq, msn, aim, yahoo, location, signature, show_sig, timezone, num_posts, registered, last_visit, activate_key, 0, 1 from pun_users where id <>1;
# Add users in registred users group
insert into xoops_groups_users_link (groupid, uid)
select 2, uid from xoops_users where uid <>1
This was good except about this function.
Please note:
- Edit function of a member work if it done directly from his profil's member page
- the same importation with a version works well, even this fonction
- Upgrading to 2.3.3 version no resolve the problem, because the matter come back again
- PunBB's password are encrypted by SHA1, this could be overtake by member using 'lost password' function at first attempt with Xoops
- PHP 4.4.4-8, MySQL 5.0.32 for PunBB; and PHP 5.2.6-2, MySQL 5.0.67 for Xoops.
- PunBB tables are in latin1 ISO-8859-1, I translate them in UTF8 before import.
On one hand I'm actually testing this in local mode on my PC, and I'm blocked to resolved this problem.
that's the reason why I submit this problem to your experience expecting answers.
on the other hand, I hope to succed in with this migration of the real forum.
in attemp of your answer
best regards