My site is now back as it was and fully functional
What I did:
1. I turned the site off using phpmyadmin - the site closed paged displayed so I could then login in (clever, eh?)
I was now logged in but with a white screen on the homepage. White screen also in admin when I went there directly from the URL (mysite.com/admin.php)
2. Again using phpmyadmin, I got the admin part of the site back viewable from the white-screen by deactivating all the modules (except System) one by one. One module (I won't name it because it proved not to be the module's fault) when deactivated let me into the admin. The back-end was not playing nicely using ThAdmin (some templates were obviously missing or corrupted). Switched to "default" admin theme and switched on "check for new/altered templates".
Still no front-end though.
3. Again using phpmyadmin I deactivated all the blocks on the homepage except those of the system block. Still no front end. Tried turning off the system blocks one by one and the front end appeared once the "Recent Comments" block was deactivated. Most odd and this together with the ThAdmin template issue led me to conclude that template-files were the issue.
4. I re-uploaded the XOOPS 2.3.3 core files and the module that was causing the admin-side to white-screen and very quickly things returned to normal. With the "check templates" option still set to "yes" all the modules were reactivated and updated via the admin panel.
I do not have a clue why what happened did. The white-screens coincided with a server upgrade and I had problems about 14 months ago which again coincided with a server upgrade. The site started behaving normally once some of the xoops_root/class files were uploaded. It looks to me like one of these was corrupted.
I've posted this partly because the "White Screen FAQ" didn't help me much and to share the "turn your site off so you can login" trick in the hope that it helps someone else
And yes, my hosting company (normally very good and helpful) will be receiving "feedback" later