Profile module multi-step registration process logic
  • 2009/3/19 3:55

  • TheFinni

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 75

  • Since: 2003/11/25

I'm working on the profile module for XOOPS 2.3.3 and I've discovered some issues with the multi-step process.

For one, I removed any step that didn't contain any form elements...

Now I'm contemplating on the save process. As of now the first step needs to save the profile in order for other steps to work. My concern with this is if Activation is required, that the user will get the activation email before they fill in every step, and hence will not complete all the steps.

I've managed to fix this so that the first step doesn't have to be saved to the DB but rather will save on last step and transfer elements in hidden fields to the last step. I do validation both on the first step and last step.

This seems to work ok but I'm really thinking of switching the system to skip "Save on step" and just make it save on last step that contain form elements. (that should make it easier to understand in Admin too)

I'm also thinking about making the hidden fields temporary save in the session rather.

What are your thoughts on this? Would appreciate any constructive thoughts.



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