We are currently working on creating a "Module Team" as discussed in the Proposal:
https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Draft_Proposal_Teamsome of the tasks defined were:
* Maintain a module development forge as a collaborative work facility for community module developers.
* Maintain a high-quality repository of completed modules, addons and themes for distribution to the XOOPS community in cooperation with other work groups.
* Create and maintain module packs for different applications of XOOPS including a standard pack to be made available for download with the core XOOPS distribution.
* Publish and maintain documents outlining module design specifications, best practices and security/quality assurance standards.
* Assist in the training and development of emerging module developers for the XOOPS Project
* Assist in preparation of documentation concerning module development, in partnership with the Documentation group.
* Establish dialog to identify the most desired modules sought by the community.
Your ideas would be a nice addition to team objectives/goals!
Now, we'll need a lot of members who would like to help us with that. Those who would be interested to help, please PM me.