Can anyone help me on this?
Right now the scraps feature on the yogurt module appears to be a commenting feature only. I can write a comment on someone's page but that's it. If they reply to me, the answer can be seen on my page but the original question is only on their page.
Can the yogurt module's scraps wall be made to function like similar features in other social networks. I mean can it, for each user, display any messages written by the user or their friends? So if I add a scrap and I have 10 friends, my message will be appear on my scrap wall as well as each of my 10 friends' scrap walls.
Can this be done? Is it something that might be enabled in a future release?
It is this which makes a community grow, without it there is no reason to become friends with someone and no incentive to keep logging in to see what's happening.
Thanks a lot if you can let me know