Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.

The purpose of this message thread is to get ideas of features to add to the PM and Extended profiles modules. I intend to add the majority of functions found in Yogurt and related functions.

I am a "new" developer to XOOPS and have decided to take on a project of my own to learn how XOOPS works and how to program for it.

In the end this should benefit the XOOPS users and the intension is to change the mentioned modules and perhaps add another if necessary. As the modules evolve I would like to try getting them included with the core as the planned module rewrites will allow XOOPS to challenge pretty much any social sites to date.

This Thread is intended to get ideas for changes other then ones I already have in mind. I am in the planning stages of this and tinkering around with modules and such in general as I plan the changes.

Please reply if you have any suggestions of things you would like to see included in these modules.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.

redheadedrod, i'm working on some hacks in yogurt for my community.
a test version can be found here http://www.takeaweb.it/test feel free to register an use them.

The main mod (for now) is on audio section,
I added a player on the front page of the profile, with the possibility to load an image associated with the song.

I have a huge list of mod for this module.

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.

At this time some of the items I will be looking to add to the PM module include support for winks, pop up windows, simple IM type chat, a way to check status of messages so you can include it in your site theme without having to use a block or pop up window to do so. Support for automatic trimming of messages older then x number of days without intervention by the admin if desired. Along with anything else required to make things work with the extended profiles module. This module will work without the extended profile module installed but certain features may not be available such as winks.

Due to the complexity of profiles this module will likely be eventually rewritten. Support for things such as profile pictures, favorites, friends, groups, search. Profile pictures will be allowed to be stored in the database or in a folder depending how the admin wishes to use them. I intend to create a way to make the profiles somewhat "skinable" by the admin and allow the admin to have a lot of flexibility in how to design the look of the profile pages, the search pages etc, I also hope to add a way to create "preferences" that will be used to do profile searches and such as well..

Looks like there will be a demand as well to export/import the user profiles which I will look into a responsible way to do this. XML is supposed to be a way to do this and I will look into a standardized format to do this instead of reinventing the wheel..

Ok so those are my ideas so far...
If you have anything else you can think of please respond and let me know...

I am currently working a lot of hours so this is not going to be a quick project.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.
  • 2009/2/3 10:08

  • Anonymous

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redheadedrod wrote:

The purpose of this message thread is to get ideas of features to add to the PM and Extended profiles modules. I intend to add the majority of functions found in Yogurt and related functions.

I have some thoughts about this:

1. Both of these modules are now shipped with the XOOPS 2.3.x core. Have you discussed with with the core devs? There might be plans that you are not aware of.

2. Not all users want "heavyweight" modules of this type, particularly when they are shipped with the core. Is it your desire to have these modules shipped with the core are are you intending to offer them as an alternative?

3. Lord Venom's very recent release/update of his MP Manager 2.7 module is an excellent alternative to the PM module which has huge functionality. Have you looked at this? Perhaps the wheel doesn't need reinventing. Perhaps you could contact Lord Venom as I'm sure that collaboration would be welcomed

4. Have you contacted the author of the yoghurt module? Perhaps you could work together?

Good stuff

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.
  • 2009/2/3 10:18

  • Mamba

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  • Since: 2004/4/23

Alfred from XOOPS Germany has already something at work:


He is basically incorporating Yogurt functionality into Extended Profile. No code yet available for download...

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Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.

In response to JAVesey...

1. I am new here... Part of the reason for this message is to get some input like this... So thanks!

2. With the changes I hope to make I think I can create them in such a manner that they can add A LOT of power above and beyond what is there now BUT by default will NOT be in place. Thus you have the same functionality as you do now without added bloat but can expand well beyond the default if you need to without spending hours tracking down new modules. Initially they will obviously be alternative modules but due to the power they can add to a XOOPS site I believe they should be able to be added to the core package once perfected. That of course will depend on the call of the core devs and likely depend on me not stepping on anyones toes... Again a good reason for leaving this message instead of just writing code... XOOPS has come a long way since I heard of it from one of the original developers when it was just an Idea.. I hope to help out with this and potentially many other items as I learn the ins and outs of this software. I should come up to speed relatively quickly once I get the handle on a few more things.

3. I will look into this... THANKS!

4. I was under the understanding that the author of Yogurt pretty much washed his hands of that project and other people were taking up the "cause" since then. I will be following up on anything I can find out with this one...

Again thanks... I do not intend to step on anyones toes and I am using this as a learning experience to go from there.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.
  • 2009/2/3 10:28

  • Mamba

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  • Since: 2004/4/23

That's fantastic! Thank you for joining XOOPS, and thank you for your willingness to contribute!

Marcello (the author of Yogurt) doesn't have the time to contribute, so Yogurt is kind of open for changes/enhancements. I would suggest to team up with urbanspacema and Alfred from XOOPS Germany and see how could you work with them on these changes. Of course, if it is possible.
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Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.


Mamba wrote:
Alfred from XOOPS Germany has already something at work:


He is basically incorporating Yogurt functionality into Extended Profile. No code yet available for download...

Thanks for the site but I don't speak German and there was no translation link on that site that I saw. I could go through a universal translator I suppose but without downloadable code it won't do me much good anyhow at this point.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.
  • 2009/2/3 10:40

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11409

  • Since: 2004/4/23

If you look at the image there, this is a snapshot of the Extended Profile that has the GUI and functionality of Yogurt. I'm sure that the code will be soon available, but in the meantime you could chat with Alfred about his planned functionality.
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Re: Looking for suggestions of needed additions to PM and Extended Profile Modules.
  • 2009/2/3 12:29

  • maxxy

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  • Posts: 286

  • Since: 2007/6/11

Look Here

1. Pm wishlist


2. Yogurt Request

some of it are already implented you can look other feature to implement

will be great if you guys works together


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