Re: XoopsGraphs - Prototype for 3.0 release available!
  • 2009/1/22 2:58

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

I recently received a client request to build a custom module incorporating jpgraph so I downloaded the latest development you created for a test run. Everything works great that I have tried so far. Very impressive work Wishcraft. Thanks so much for all of your hard work.

Re: XoopsGraphs - Prototype for 3.0 release available!
  • 2009/1/24 18:15

  • tank1955

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2007/9/7 1

I realize this thread is several months old so someone may have already discovered and corrected the items I have found but I thought I would report it anyway.

I found some functions that didn't work properly such as adding title to an axis and adding tick labels.

The problems I found were in /class/graphs/graphjpgraph.php

The first problem was in the function set_options_element_b. The following code contains my modifications:

function set_options_element_b ($graph$option_element$element) {
  if (
    if (!empty(
      foreach (
$option_element as  $key => $value){

The other problem was located in the function set_object_func. The comparison to determine if the passed $value parameter is an array was insufficient. An additional comparison was necessary to determine if the $value parameter was actually an associative array.

Here is the additional function I added:

function is_associative(&$array) {
$next 0;
  foreach (
$array as $k=>$v) {
    if (
$k !== $next)

Then in the third line of the set_object_func function the additional comparison was added for this situation.

function set_object_func($obj$subelem$finalele$value){
                if (
                    if (
                        if (!


Now everything appears to be working but lots more testing to be done.


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