$myts->displayTarea($xoopsModuleConfig['indexwelcomemsg'], 1)
This will enable html only.
Try it like this:
$myts->displayTarea($xoopsModuleConfig['indexwelcomemsg'], 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
This enables html, smiley, xoopscode and images, and disables linebreaks in $xoopsModuleConfig['indexwelcomemsg'].
displayTarea( $text, $html = 1, $smiley = 1, $xcode = 1, $image = 1, $br = 0)
or in short:
displayTarea( $text, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
$text : string of text to be displayed
1,1,1,1,0 : html=smiley=xoopscode=image=enabled and linebreaks=disabled