I have tried to merge the two approaches of wishcraft and the one included in the smartsection module. What i have done is followed the instructions given in the smartsection module using rewrite as option to make seo friendly urls. Then i used the code from wishcrafts hack only in the index.php file of the module. finally i added the foloowing lines to the .htaccess file again 1st part of the code is as it is from the smartsection instructions and the second part from the code as given by wishcraft.
So the .htaccess file reads as follow
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^smartsection/ modules/smartsection/index.php [L,NC,QSA] /**second last line from .htaccess code given by wishcraft, changed articles to smartsection */
RewriteRule ^smartsection\.([a-z]+)\.([0-9.]+)/ modules/smartsection/seo.php?seoOp=$1&seoArg=$2 /** from smartsection module seo instructions */
finally added the following lines to robots.txt file
Disallow /modules/smartsection/
Net result all links inside the smartsection module are seo links. The index page for smartsection module in redirected to
http://yoursitename.com/smartsectionAnd even though the old links still exist the robots.txt file ensures that google and other search engines neglect the old links.
I have no knowledge of htaccess or url-rewrite whatsoever. This is just a trail and error approach which seems to be working.
I need to know is this approach fine to use the seo url in smartsection and still not getting penalised for duplicate content.
Also the sitemap module still shows the non seo url. So is there a way to redirect the old urls to new seo urls like its done in the wishcraft way