I'm a fan (and user) of the Extended Waiting Module by GIJoe. However, I didn't like the amount of real-estate it took on the page displaying all the modules that didn't have waiting content, so I reprogrammed the template to only show active alerts (instead of all those with 0 waiting). Here's the template code I used. If you'd like to use it, just replace the template with this one (I use the GIJoe AltSys module to do that). Hope it helps someone else!
<{foreach item=module from=$block.modules}>
<{assign var=extWaitShowModule value=false}>
<{foreach item=pending from=$module.pending}>
<{if $pending.pendingnum > 0}>
<{assign var=extWaitShowModule value=true}>
<{if $extWaitShowModule}>
<{foreach item=pending from=$module.pending}>
<{if $pending.pendingnum}>
- <{$pending.lang_linkname}>: <{$pending.pendingnum}>
[Note: I used the id's and class for stylesheet display info.]