I am trying to work out how to set the height of a text area used in a smartFAQ form when TinyMCE is used as the editor.
I am using TinyMCE version 0.5.
My XOOPS version is XOOPS 2.0.16.
I now have TinyMCE as the common editor throughout my XOOPS installation. I achieved this by following the advice in this XOOPS News Topic:
https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4176The advice in this topic is to modify class/xoopsform/formdhtmltextarea.php by changing this statement:
var $htmlEditor = array();
var $htmlEditor = array( 'XoopsFormTinymce', '/class/xoopseditor/tinymce/formtinymce.php' );
This change has achieved the desired result in that I now have the TinyMCE editor available to me in every text area, i.e. across all modules and all through the admin sections. This is great because I can now offer a user-friendly editor to my users regardless of what module they happen to be using. I am using 5 XOOPS modules where text areas appear:
1. eXtCal version 2.00
2. newbb version 2.02
3. AMS version 2.42
4. smartsection version 2.13
5. smartfaq version 1.08
The question is:
How can I set the height of the text area for the smartFAQ Answer area?
The generated html code as shown in the html source at run time when I run submit.php shows this element as:
The height of 200px is a default value which is set in formtinymce.php in this statement:
var $_height = "200px";
I am happy with this as the default height of a text area but I want to set the height of some text areas to a higher value. In this case I would like to set the height of Answer to 600px.
I have posted a similar question in the forums for these modules:
• Newbb
• Smartsection
• SmartFAQ
Thanks, Tom O’Dea
Regards, Tom O'Dea
Melbourne, Australia