The readme file in the upgrade folder does not say how to upgrade from 2.2.3 to 2.3. However, I did do the following from the release_notes.txt:
Upgrading from XOOPS 2.0.* above 2.0.14 and 2.2.* (using the full package)
1. Move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder (it's been kept out as it's not needed for full installs) on your local machine
2. Delete htdocs/mainfile.php, htdocs/install/, htdocs/cache/, htdocs/extras/, htdocs/template_c/, htdocs/themes/ and htdocs/uploads/ from the "htdocs"
folder on your LOCAL machine
3. Upload the content of the htdocs folder on your LOCAL machine over your existing files on your server
4. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories xoops_lib (for XOOPS libraries) and xoops_data (for XOOPS data) out of document
root, or even change the folder names.
5. Make the directory of xoops_data/ writable; Create and make the directories of
xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and
xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable.
6. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions
7. Follow the instructions to update your database
8. Delete the upgrade folder from your server.
When I did this I received the error in my first post.
I am trying to do the update on my beta box before the productions box.
Thanks again,